Monday, November 23, 2009


I believe that dispositions can be taught in the end. For example a child who does not like to read...there are things we could do to help that so that this child could begin to read more such as giving the child a choice in what they want to read or like to read, doing something that relates that book to what we are discussing. they may not read what we want them to read but the biggest thing is they are reading more...and maybe even begin to love books. There can be positive outcomes in the end in what we do My recommandation for enchancing the dispositions of students and teachers are to allow children to have little bit control of their learning..their interest in learning, and teachers to always be positive, develop a fun classroom with structure, because kids loves structure. They dont like a teacher who do not care or has no structure for them. It makes them think that they can get things done in the end but realize that it really piles up for them. so by doing things on time, they begin to realize that maybe its not so bad doing it that way.


Teachers needs to be prepared for the stresses that are related to the teaching profession by knowing good class management, coming to school prepared to teach, getting off to the right start in your profession, knowing how to keep your class under control but giving the kids a little bit of control and choices so they are very interested in learning the materials that they need to know by giving projects that relates to their interest, readiness, and student profiles. Teachers should be sure to review their kids files, talk to previous teachers, talk to the students. How we can prevent teachers from changing professions in less than three years is teachers should not lose confidence in their teaching, know that they can do things to try and improve, not let it get the best of them, and keep a positive thinking about the future and the kids because the kids are what is important. Teachers need to remember that they want to make a difference.


The last time I was wrong was when I did not approach my teacher to talk to him/her about how I was feeling about my class and how we could find ways to improve the class. Because of this my grade in the class is suffering. There was something inside of me where I did not feel like I could approach my teacher and felt scared inside. I did not feel like this teacher really understood how to work with a deaf person or thought about ways to adjust the lessons so that it was accessable for all of us rather than just the hearing. but i had to realize that I am teaching that teacher at the same time as they are teaching me. The situation and personal things i was going through was causing me to shut everyone out rather than letting them in. I feel that a teacher can find the balance between confidence and genuine humility by standing strong but also realizing we all make mistakes sometimes and if we do..we should be willing to admit it and make it better next time.. we are all humans and humans makes mistakes but it should not knock our self esteem down and make us feel like we are bad teachers.


What makes a team or group highly effective? Collaboration is the act or process of collaborating. In a collaboration, we each have a special job or task that we are responsible for in our collaboration such as tasking, reporter, time management, and so forth. We are all more involved in the conversation and stating our opinion or facts. In a group work, I would say that even though we are in a group, not all of us are partipating ..just though of as a part of the group so one may do all the work while the rest maybe didnt or one didn't do anything to partipate. Cooperative learning means learning that occurs when students work in small groups to help each other learn. So in this type of group we talk about what we know like more of a one on one group like say a mentor and a menteer would be a very good example of a cooperative learning.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Self'awareness is connected to becoming a highly effiective teacher because we have to be able to realize who we are, when we make mistakes and how we can fix it. Confidence is another important trait because we have to be confident when dealing with people like the parents because they will come in and complain about their child and that we did something wrong..and we have to be able to stand our ground and say this is what happened and why they got what they have..Persisitance is also very important becasue we have to maintain our drive to want to teach our kids and help them succeed.. and not say we can't do it.. its too much.. We have to keep that positive mindset saying we can do we do it. Work ethics are very important also because we have to know what we are working for and what is making us work as hard as we have to.. our salary, getting paid, the children, how much we want to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. We have to believe in our ability to be a teacher because it will take all we have to keep going.. we will run into times where we struggle..we will have bad years, and we will have good years. but we must keep going and alway reflect on ourselves so we can do better. All of those traits are best developed by having a positive attitude, our drive to teach and make a difference. We are always learning everyday throughout our lives those traits even when we are 60 or 70 years old..


We as teachers encourage, teach and reward creativity and imagination by allowing our students to do projects of their interest that relates to our topics. we also keep in mind of the diversity in our schools and their backgrounds aren't all the same. Creativity is a very important skill to develop in the 21st century because the world is changing rapidly, technology is improving quickly. It is so important like for example, art is very important.. the creativity.. the different views of things from an artist point of view.. people wants to buy art.. there are so many because people are always wanting to hear new music and new sounds and new people out there. Chemisty because there might be someone out there who might come up with new invention relating to chemistry or explaination for why something is what it is.. So many things in the world and we are all full of ideas and creativity and maybe one day we might be discovered.


I believe that teachers and students find it hard to reflect on themselves because they want to believe that they are doing things right. Most believe reflectiveness to be the heart of the teaching process in order to be successful and know what they did wrong so they can look back at what they did wrong and fix it or improve it. It help them to be a better teacher for future student. I believe that the best time to reflect on your teaching would be immediately after you teach. If you wait several days then you forget what happened in that class session and what you did and by the time you reflected on it.. that one little piece of memory or information that you may need in order to change what you could have done better is gone. It can make all the difference. If you reflect on it right away.. you could write your self little notes of what you can do. Some teachers do it as they go along or they wait until they go home at the end of the day then they sit and reflect on their day and what they did wrong and what they could have done better. Either way works ..whatever works best for you..Just do not wait too long.