Sunday, September 27, 2009


I feel that we as future teachers will know where our limits are for expressing authenticity because as a teacher sometimes we have to draw a line where this is as far as we can go..we have to be able to be authentic when the circumstances are right. When a student doesn't seem to care and we keep trying and trying to help them.. that might be one situation. How students can tell when a teacher is not authenitc is when they do not try to help them or do not seem to let the student know that they care about the student and truely wants them to be successful. the ramifications for learning if a teacher is seen as a "fake" or not authenic with students often times might be a lack of respect in the classroom..lack of respect for the teacher.. a lack of respect for their surroundings...the students might not care about their school work..they might feel not very important to the teacher..the teacher might not be a successful teacher and lose their job if they appear to not be doing their job of reaching all students.

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