Tuesday, September 29, 2009


There has been many times that I can recall where I became more interested in a subject because of the teachers enthusiasm and also times where i loved a subject passionally but lost interst because the teacher was not very enthusiasic about it. A very recent experience i had was last fall with Kate Martinson for Art in the Elementry school.. I loved the subject so much and the way she taught it to the class.. i found myself just trying to listen and absorb what i could from the subject and really learn how we can be a good teacher in the classroom with Art and all of the differernt ways to do art was so amazing to me ..it could be just a simple thing but seems so big to the little kids..I loved that.. and having the experience in a clinical setting of an art room was so great for me and i learned so much..as i just love Art.. Learning how to be a good teacher was a key to the passion of teaching art for me..
There were many other classes that affected me greatly with a passion..
One class although that impacted me greatly that i loved but had no interest in because the teacher was not very enthustic about it..was when i was in a computer class..the teacher did not seem to reach me as he was very this is what this is and taht is this.. and it was like ok show me.. i dont understand.. and he did not show us so therefore i felt like i learned nothing when the class was over..if i had any hope of remembering or understanding how to do certain things on the computer i would have to go into the book and hope that i would be able to figure out how it was done..
I really feel that a teacher really needs to have a real passion for what they are teacher rather than they are just there because they need a job.. the students need to know that they care a great deal and feel that the teachers wants to be there because they want to be and not for pay..that is my feeling on this..

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